Available digitally on:AVaiLABlE DiGiTaLlY ON: Gumroad
Age Recommendation: Seventeen and Up.AGE ReCOMmENDaTion: SeVENteEn ANd UP.
He was a brave hero, a great hunter, a natural leader of men...HE WAS a BRAVe hErO, a GReAT HUNtEr, a nATuRaL leADEr oF MeN...
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...or so he thought of himself....OR So HE ThOUGHt oF hiMseLf.
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Ridiculed by his people, he undertook a quest across the desert to find a new homeland.RiDiCULEd BY HiS PeOplE, he uNDErToOK A QUest acRoSs THE deSErt TO FinD A NeW hoMELand.
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Like every hero, he encountered a monster...LiKE eVERY HerO, hE eNCoUnTEReD A MONStEr...
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...or was it something else?...OR WAS iT soMEtHiNG eLSE?