Paleocene #1
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Age Recommendation: Nine and Up.AGE ReCOMmENDaTion: Nine ANd UP.
Mamma loves telling her babies about the "dragons" that used to roam the Earth.MAmMa LOVES TelLiNG HER BAbies aBoUt ThE "DrAgOnS" tHaT used to ROAm ThE eartH.
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But with Pappa gone for days, she is starting to tire of being stuck in the nest.BUT WitH PApPa GONE FoR DAYS, she iS sTarting TO tiRE of beiNG STuCK in tHE NesT.
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Does she dare leave the infants alone? it is a dangerous world...DOES sHe dARE LeaVE The iNFAntS aloNE? iT is A DanGerOUS WoRLd...
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...and "dragons" may still lurk in the hills....AND "dRaGOnS" MAY sTiLl LUrK iN tHE hilLS.
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Read all the issues!READ aLl THe iSsUES!